Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Xbox 360 in the shops

Xbox 360 out and its not expensive, $299 and $399 : difference an extra storage disk.

"While most of the early buyers will be attracted to the photo-realistic graphics of the games, the Xbox 360 is more than just about games

The console can play music, display photos and show DVDs, signalling Microsoft's aim to make the 360 the heart of the entertainment system in the home." -BBC-

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

People don't READ emails!

Today in office, we got spammed like hell. Not from outside, but from inside.

What really happened was the company is getting new speed boats and the HR came up with the great idea of opening a contest for naming boats. This was announced in a mail; which was sent to a group in the email server which included all employees. But in the mail; it clearly says,


  • Send in the names to HR by e-mail hr@company name dot com
  • Think of 5 different names with its meaning
  • Submit before the closing
but seems no one noticed or read the first point and the reply was sent back to the all employees account which sends the mail to everyone (all the names that everyone suggested started to flood, this was fun though).Seems like half of the company is suggesting names; imagine the result. The best part was even the CEO did the same.

Friday, November 18, 2005

I need not say it.

Well; I've been browsing over this week end. I came across a blog which had a very similar feeling and point of view as I am having now. I would like to change some to accommodate to my feelings and views, but I guess the message is there. Not many people think about these things but I guess it's an everyday part of most of us.

Here are the links


Thursday, November 10, 2005


这是我的第一个中国岗位; 如果您能读这您然后是汉语或您翻译这, 然后您是真正地对我感兴趣。 或者您知道汉语。 在任何情况下如同您能猜测; 我是非常委员会。 我采取了从工作5 天。 那么在家整天和设法出去工作。 工作为7 到8 月和我需要断裂。
这个岗位是用中文; 提醒我中国朋友我有后面在学院, 我没有大多数他们的联络和失去的轨道他们。 但我知道我错过他们和非常学会从他们。 如此这是为您人花花公子。

Sunday, November 06, 2005

A for Apple: in Maldives

Foucs Computers has got Apple Mac's in the show room now. Seems they are selling Mac's. On display are iMac's, Power Mac's and PowerBooks too. This was good news. Finally a good desktop environment. The question now everyone is waiting for is: will mac's make it? I think still Mac's are a bit expensive for most Maldivians plus they are too used to the PC's. Now only the rich kids use the Mac's and these guys get them down from other countries. For Office; I don't think except your boss who can spend extra money without questions being asked will get mac's. I feel the Maldivian Office environments are not yet ready to use Mac's as the desktop platform. It will be great if they do. iPods has a market :) and Surprisingly no Mac Mini's in the show room.

I have also got information from friends that another party who has got authorized dealership for Mac's is opening an Apple Store. Lets see how this goes. In any case this is exciting news. I would like to get one of those G5's.