Monday, September 01, 2008

Emperor of the Galaxy.

Vader continues over looking into the space then wonders again. "This is one thing my master and I have always shared: a common penchant for a scenic view". Only difference is the throne and the name "Emperor". The view is Impressive. Most impressive. The day is here; Darth Vader has broken away to fulfill his destiny. No longer serves his master, but always impressed and inspired by him.

He was interrupted by the lieutenant who came in to report the terrorist fleet; which does not hold much meaning to Darth Vader. His mission now is to conquer the Death Star, not to worry about the rebels and the low men...... The Jedi's are no longer a threat; Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi no longer fight as one.

"Your service will be remembered, and rewarded," spoke Darth Vader . The Lieutenant bowed his head and walks out. As Lord Vader continued his lunch with leek soup and toss salad. He usually takes his meals alone in his chambers, as he enjoyed the view.

Past reference from my previous post from May 2007..

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